How to build a Photo Booth
My first Raspberry Pi project!
My DIY Photo Booth
The Finished Product

Back story
Last weekend, I had an absolute blast at my wedding.
So too, apparently, did my guests - who absolutely loved taking shots with the photo booth!

Where can I see the code?
The code for my photo booth is available here:
What makes this DIY photo booth special?
My photo booth is unique for the following reasons;
- It was the 1st project I ever built with a Raspberry Pi, and it’s a great starting point for beginners.
- It takes a “less is more” approach;
- I opted to exclude features that weren’t essential.
- The code runs on both Python 2.7 and Python 3.
- The code introduces very few libraries/dependencies, in the hopes of delivering a solution that “just works”.
Since writing about my photo booth, it’s been featured in the following publications:
Thanks to all the above for their support.
I’d also like to thank the following;
- The Ballarat Hackerspace, and awesome community for their ideas and assistance.
- DrumminHands’ Photo Booth which provided inspiration for parts of this build.
I love hearing from people that have built their own “photo booth” versions;
- Eric built this brilliant photo booth. His version includes an impressive-looking marquee, a video light, and it writes the photos to a USB stick (if connected).
Next article
For the next article in this series, I’ll be talking about the requirements process that I went through when planning my photo booth.
Subscribe to my blog to stay informed of my progress.